Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Fitness Training Programs: How Personal Training Programs Get You On Track To Your Goals

Timeless fitness training programs

Effective fitness training programs are the best way to get fit and healthy. Being lean and feeling good will help in every aspect of your life. There are different reasons for being fit, as some people want health, athletic ability or just to look good. Your results from fitness training are based on the effort that you put in. The importance of fitness training programs cannot be overlooked. Here are some tips:

If you are embarking on a new fitness regimen, then a good pair of shoes should top the list of necessary equipment. Your shoes provide a foundation for your workout. They cushion and support your feet and help you get the most out of whichever exercise you choose to do.

When exercising you need to take your time so that you perform each movement with a safe and solid technique. The more that you train, the better technique you will develop. You will put yourself at harm if you throw weights around, especially when you get tired. A good fitness training program and a good trainer will help you in this matter.

Take a walk before you go to bed at night. Walking is a very easy and simple way to lose weight and feel much better about yourself. The good thing about walking is that you will not get injured and you can make a walk last as long or as short as you want.

Make sure not to take weekends off from your exercise routine. Many people tend to think of the weekends as a time to kick back and not worry about the stress of the week. Weight loss needs to be on your mind 7 days a week. You don't want to splurge all weekend and then have to start your fitness training program over again, every Monday. Keep in mind though, having weightloss on your mind doesn't mean stressing about your weight, it simply means keeping prioritized in your daily choices to support your overall goals.

Train yourself to breathe correctly. Lay flat on your back and put something flat and heavy on your stomach, like a book. Practice making the book rise with each breath, until it becomes totally natural for you. Learning this simple technique will help you perform better in any exercise.

These fitness training program tips are only the foundation of a good program. Find other fitness information that you can go through and learn from, so that you know what your real goals are. When you understand your goals, and the fitness methods that will get you there, you will succeed.

Are you in need of a Fitness Professional to show you the ropes, shortcuts, tricks and tips of top level athletes and ordinary people who have achieved amazing transformations in their own life and body? Today you are confronted with a choice, move forward into growth, or shrink backward into defeat. Each day you make the choice to move forward with your fitness goals. Fitness training shouldn't cost an arm and a leg, especially with the mobile technology allowing you to take a trainer with you wherever you enjoy your workouts. Take Control of your life NOW! Click Here. Your steps away from your fitness training program Goals!

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3 Ways to Make Your Workout Harder

Everybody is looking for more ways to workout harder and more effectively. When you push yourself and really strive to do your best in the gym or wherever you're training, you will be able to improve results. This holds true whether you're looking to get rid of extra fat, build more lean muscle, or both. So when you're looking for a way to get ahead, take advantage of these 3 tips to make your workout harder and more successful.

One of the first ways to make your workout harder will be to use more weight. When you lift heavier amounts, you get progressively more of a challenge, and even small changes to the amount of weight you use can add great amounts of difficulty to an exercise. You might think that if you add 10% more weight to what you do, it's only 10% more difficult, but that's not the case. It's actually much more difficult than that, because your muscles reach a point where they simply don't have that much more strength in reserve.

When that happens, you'll really be activating all of those dormant muscle fibers that you haven't been successfully targeting before. This will enable you to see much improved results, and you'll feel it in your body the next day with sore muscles looking to recover, repair and grow bigger and stronger than ever. Pushing your muscles to the brink of failure by adding more weight in this fashion is an excellent way to make a more challenging and more effective workout.

The second way you can make your workout harder is by doing a harder version of the same exercise you're already doing. Almost all exercises have small variations you can work in to raise the difficulty of them. By adding that extra element of difficulty and challenge, you'll force your body and your muscles to work out that much harder, and your results will be that much better.

For example, if you're at the gym working on the bench press, you can focus on negative repetitions, slowly lowering the weight for between 5 and 10 seconds before lifting it back up. It's the same bench press exercise, but with a harder twist worked in, and you'll notice right away how much of a challenge it becomes. By making this sort of change, you'll force your body to adapt and grow stronger. Not only that, but this also will add variation into your workout, which will keep your training from getting stale and your progress from stalling.

Finally, the third tip you can begin using immediately to make a workout harder is to add more repetitions to your sets when you can't add more weight. This really comes into play when you're working with bodyweight exercises, or when you're performing cardio or interval type of exercises. If you have been doing push-ups, for example, instead 3 sets of 20, do 3 sets of 25 or 30, and keep on moving progressively upward. If you have been doing 5 sprints in one interval set, do six or seven to push yourself that much more.

It's the small differences like this that make a big difference in your total effort and the results that you'll experience. Remember that when you workout and train, you always have to be moving forward and progressing, and that's the only way to truly succeed with your goals. Don't just stay doing the same old thing over and over again and then wonder why you don't achieve the results you'd like.

Of course, there are many other ways that you can workout harder as well. It's all about putting together an effective workout program which suits your needs and your best interests. When you really give it your all, and you push yourself to do your best and always train hard, then the results will come.

You'll be able to push past plateaus and trouble areas, and you'll begin making progress. The body you've always wanted and always strived for can be within reach with the right knowledge, tips and ideas on your side. So get started with the above ways to make your workout harder and you'll be right on track to accomplish all of your fitness goals.

Darragh Holland is a Cavan Personal Trainer and also runs his own Bootcamps.

He has helped people to lose weight and get toned so be sure to check out his Cavan personal training studio.

View the original article here

Crossfit Personal Training For a Healthy Lifestyle

Individuals today are too much occupied with their day to day tasks that they hardly get time to improve the way they look. Most of them today are turning to CrossFit personal training program. It is one of the popular strength and conditioning programs involving a wide range of stamina building exercises like gymnastics, sprinting, weightlifting, etc. No other program has ever been developed that involves these three elements for creating an effective workout combination.

The program is highly recommended these days because of innumerable health benefits associated with it.

Let us discuss about its major benefits in detail. These include:

• This training program involves high intensity and power-based exercises that results in burning a high number of calories in a short period of time. Not only this, regular CrossFit sessions also improve aerobic fitness and promote the anabolic hormones like testosterone, HGH and IGF-1 that enhances muscular growth and prevents pre-mature aging.
• Cost-effectiveness is another major benefit offered by the process. Individuals need not to spend a huge amount of money for buying the equipment for training as the program teaches individuals how to use their own body in the most efficient way.
• This training program involves a wide range of workout styles. This means individuals get prepared for all kinds of activities and that too without getting bored. Every day, they can choose a new style as per their needs and requirements. Almost all the workouts involved in this program are challenging and interesting.
• Regular crossfit personal training sessions help in enhancing strength and stamina thus keeping a person fit and fine.
• It helps in increasing confidence, improving physical and mental strength.

Thus, it becomes clear from the above discussion that crossfit personal training program offers a great way of making one feel good about his or her body and more confident in every phase of life. If you are new to this fitness program, always make sure that you take help of a trainer for better results. This is because a lack of proper understanding and knowledge might not provide you with same level of results that you can achieve by hiring a personal trainer for yourself.

Today, there are a plethora of highly experienced and qualified trainers are available in the industry, which are assisting keen individuals by providing them with regular crossfit training sessions. Always go with the one who is experienced enough and can help you achieve all your fitness related goals. So, what are you waiting for? choose the best one to satiate your desires without disturbing your budget.

Studeo 55 is a Vancouver-based health club that provides individuals with CrossFit, personal training program sessions under the guidance of trained and experienced instructors. It is also offering yoga, MMA and group classes, which enables you to get back into your original shape.

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Personal Training Business - Don't Go Chasing Trends

As the owner of a Personal Training business you can sometimes lose focus on your Point Of Difference and go chasing the latest trends. Fitness trends will come and go and some might stick, the good business owners will embrace some, and leave others for the amateurs. Chasing trends can take up your TIME and MONEY and distract you from finishing your commitment to your original business plan.

Always remember what you first set out to achieve. If you wanted to specialise in 1-on-1 Personal Training then do you need to be worried about not offering a CrossFit service?

Most of the successful business owners in the industry are successful because they know their market, know their product and don't spread themselves too thin trying to offer everything! Therefore, within their local community they are more likely to become the EXPERT in their field, rather than the person who is trying to offer it all. It's like the old saying "Jack of all trades... Master of none!"

When new trends or fads enter the market they need to be investigated but before jumping on board some questions need to be answered!

Will my target market benefit from this new service?

Will this bring in new business?

Will it affect my existing clientele?

How much will it cost to implement?

Will it compliment the services I already offer?

Do we already offer a service that gets the same results?

Will not offering this new service affect my business?

Will this trend stick, or will is be gone in 6 months?

Do I really need to diversify?

By answering these questions you can possibly prevent yourself from spending MONEY and TIME on something that really doesn't help your business, rather it distracts from what is your staple service. Doing the latest course, reading the latest trends in the magazines, and buying into what the media are promoting can be dangerous as you never get to settle your service. You never get to be known for a service, instead you constantly chop and change, and as a result your clients get confused.

Now, this blog post is definitely not saying that taking on a new service in your business is a bad idea, it has been known that adding an extra string to your bow can boost your business. However, tread carefully and always remember trying to take every shortcut to success can sometimes find you lost and directionless!

Travis Beckley from PT Business Systems.

PT Business Systems has been created to assist new and existing Personal Trainers build profitable businesses based on proven information and systems.

With over 17 years of experience in the Fitness Industry owning and operating Personal Training studios we have decided to share our experience and successful business systems online.

For instant access to more PT Business Systems and to download our free ebook "How To Continue To Earn While Your Clients Are Away" visit http://www.ptbusinesssystems.com/

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6 Things To Look For In A Good Personal Trainer

The decision to employ the services of a personal trainer to help motivate you, and correctly direct you how to go about achieving your weight loss or fitness goals is tough enough.

Finding a trainer that fits this criteria is another challenge all of its own, here are 6 things to look for in a good personal trainer that should make the job of finding a good match for your needs much easier.

Correctly registered
All good personal trainers need to be registered with their state or national accreditation council to operate as a trainer in this country.

Every 2 years a trainer is required to obtain a certain amount of education credits to be eligible to re- register.

This ensures that a correctly registered trainer is up to date with the latest training methods and has the proper qualifications to operate in the fitness industry.

Walk the walk
A trainer worth their salt doesn't just work in the fitness industry, they live eat and breathe it!

To truly be able to prescribe exercise to another individual, I firmly believe you need to have experienced the feeling and outcome of any given activity.

Your trainer should not be getting you to do anything they cannot or have not done themselves in some form before.

Good communicator
A good communicator will help get across the purpose and understanding of a particular exercise and be able to correct your form and technique in a way you understand and can relate to.

Being able to do this will enable you to feel more comfortable with exercises or activities you may not be familiar with.

Professional attitude
Professional attitude comes in a range of areas that not all personal trainers I have met or worked with completely get.

To build a strong trusting relationship with a client a trainer needs to understand the boundaries and responsibilities of their role.

There are simple things like; answering the phone in professional manner, being punctual, personal hygiene, dressing appropriately, and focusing their attention strictly to the client they are training, are all common sense things that sometimes aren't all that common.

Sometimes teaching a particular exercise might require a hands on approach, and knowing how and where to touch a client appropriately is also important.

A trainer must understand and adhere to strict confidentiality guidelines as any other health professional must do.

Hard but fair
A good personal trainer should approach every session with a hard but fair attitude.

Some clients need to be pushed out of their comfort zones to be able to achieve the necessary levels to get results.

Getting a client to reach these levels should not require barking at them like a sergeant major, this usually belittles the client and eventually can be counter productive.

A good communicator will be able to encourage someone out of their comfort zone by being strong, but fair.

Well recommended
One of the best signs of a good personal trainer is one that comes highly recommended.

A trainer that has clients that rave about them, are usually getting those clients the results they are after.

At Tweed Coast Personal Trainers we pride ourselves in working with trainers that tick all of the boxes above, all our trainers are fully qualified and registered with fitness Australia as exercise specialists.

All trainers have proven themselves to be active role models and embrace all areas of the fitness industry.

Each trainer has a professional attitude, are great communicators and teach with a hard but fair philosophy.

If your looking for a good personal trainer that will be able to motivate and move you forward towards your fitness and weight loss goals find a Tweed Coast Personal Trainer near you.

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Monday, 13 February 2012

How to Lose Fat: Fat Loss Techniques That Work

Most of us have a desire to learn fat loss techniques, and how to recognize when we have achieved that loss. Fat is something that can pull a person down if it gets out of hand. The healthy person has some amount of fat on their body in order to provide padding, insulation as well energy storage. Without some fat on the body, a person is not going to be healthy.

However, many people today have too much of this necessary element hanging onto their thighs, bellies, and other places of the body. For those who are in a hurry to lose a certain amount of fat from strategic places, there really is hope. Learning fat loss techniques will allow the motivated individual to meet their goals without sacrificing health.

The best techniques for losing fat will always include a combination of tactics. They will include stepping up their exercise routine, as well as using diet in order to accomplish their goal for fat loss. Fat loss can also take place when you use certain drugs or supplements, but most of the time when drugs are used it is not as successful because once you return to your normal eating habits and leave the drugs alone, the fat will return with a vengeance.

By using the right techniques for fat loss, an individual will be able to increase muscle mass while at the same time reducing the amount of fat that is on the body. How to fat loss techniques typically use some type of meal planning guide that will help the individual increase their rate of metabolism while reducing the amount of calories that are taken in. This is a good way to begin any diet, but if you are going to be successful for the long term, you really want to know how to maintain that loss.

Fat loss is often accomplished through a well designed diet that eliminates what some call white carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are any that can be turned white or are already white. These foods consist of rice, bread, potatoes, cereal, pasta, and fried foods that have a breading on them. The simple tactic of avoiding any food that is white is the best way to go when you want to lose fat even though it is perfectly all right to eat them within an hour and half completing a workout that involved resistance training that lasts for 20 minutes or longer.

Many of the most successful how to fat loss programs involve dieters who are committed to eating the same types of meals in different combinations over an extended period of time. Such a diet would include the same ingredients, but they do not have to be the same old boring meals over and over one more time.

Here is a list of ingredients that will contribute to helping you reach your goals of fat loss. Fat is not the enemy though, it is the over abundance of it.


Chicken thigh or breast
Egg whites
Occasional whole egg to add flavor
Organic grass fed beef


Pinto beans
Black beans


Mixed vegetables

The carbs in these foods are considered to be slow carbs and are an excellent addition to any diet that is intended to help with fat loss. Fat should never be a big part of your diet, but you should have a small amount of it in order to promote good health.

When you are preparing your menu, you should keep the recipes simple. Just pick a few of the recipes that you like the most and stick with them, changing up the seasonings if you like, but keep it as simple as you can. Even when you are eating at a restaurant, you can order vegetables in place of a baked potato or fries to prevent eating the wrong types of carbs.

It is critical that when you want to learn as much as you can about fat loss techniques that you remember to eat enough calories so that you will not lose your energy. This can effectively be done by consuming the suggested legumes for their high caloric count. You need the calories to retain energy, but you have to be careful about the kind of calories you are eating.

Another great thing about how to fat loss routines is that you should take a day off each week so that you will not burn out, and you will be able to satisfy your taste buds.

Darragh Holland is a Cavan Personal Trainer and also runs his own Bootcamps.

He has helped people to lose weight and get toned so be sure to check out his Cavan personal training studio.

View the original article here

Progress Quicker By Progressing Slower

So you have a goal that you really want to achieve. Whether it is health based, business based or even relationship based. You really do want to reach your dream goal as soon as possible. However you have been trying to achieve your dream goal for some time now, but to no avail.

So let's look at the problem, why you're not achieving your dream goal and how progressing slowly could be the answer you have been looking for. The main problem I see as a personal trainer with people who are trying to achieve their dream fat loss results is they are trying to jump from A to B. In reality It is never A to B it is more like A to Z. By trying to rush your goals, you are basically trying to jump too far at a time. If you try to jump too far, you will not reach where you're jumping. This will destroy your confidence and motivation and stop you from achieving your goal. If you were to climb a mountain, you would have to take 1000's of steps before you reached the top, you can't just jump it. In the same way you need to approach your goal in stages.

So you need to look at what your goal is and break it down into smaller more manageable pieces. By reducing what you have to do, it is far easier to get moving in the right direction towards your dream goal. So split your goal into smaller more manageable pieces. I find that it is best to split your goal into daily challenges that are small and easy to do. This allows you to move forward easily every day, day in day out on a constant and never ending basis. Imagine how much closer you would be to achieving your dream goal if you made 30 forward movements towards your goal this month. You would be a lot closer than if you just try jumping from the beginning to the end I can assure you.

So from now on, on a daily basis ask yourself the following question?

What is the smallest forward movement I can make towards my dream goal to bring about a positive change?

By asking yourself this every day and taking action upon your answers you will achieve your dream goal far quicker than you ever thought was possible. Small changes made daily make a huge difference to how quick you achieve your dream goals. Just take a minute and imagine what 1 year, 365 separate steps forward to achieving your goal would do for you. I can tell you now that your goals are not as hard as you may think they are. I'm sure that the majority of you will have easily achieved your goals in far less that the 365 single stages above. I use this philosophy with my personal training clients helping them achieve results such as dropping 3 dress sizes in 30 days.

So imagine what you could do in 2, 3 months even a year. Give it a go and progress every day on a constant and never ending basis and see how much quicker you achieve your dreams.

To your success and achieving your dreams.

Harry Pointon
Health Coach

If you would like my free super fast fat melting report visit our Manchester Personal Trainer website where you can receive it for free for signing up to our newsletter.

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How To Maintain Low Percentage Body Fat

Are you interested in developing a lean and highly ripped physique? Perhaps you are just interested in getting your body fat levels down just a little lower than they currently are. Either way, you might be having a tough time getting started.

It is not always easy to become motivated to lose body fat when you are not sure about what approach to take. Don't worry about this too much because it can be a lot easier to lose those extra pounds and get in shape. The process is not as difficult as you might think and once you get the proverbial ball rolling, you will discover that as you see great gains you will become more motivated to keep on the path towards future gains.

First and foremost, you need to find the proper diet and exercise program that can get you into shape. This should not prove to be very difficult as there should be a good trainer or Bootcamp somewhere in your area. The key here is to avoid those programs that are either too low in intensity or so high in intensity that you burn out and over train.

How is it that such programs can help deliver the appropriate achievements in body fat loss? Basically, high intensity resistance training is what you are looking for to speed up your metabolism. When your metabolism is increased, a great deal of your stored body fat will disappear.

With resistance training, we are not talking about packing on a significant amount of mass and lifting massive weights. That means you are not locked into programs where you are constantly seeking to add more weight to your barbell with the intention of increasing your strength. You do need the largest and strongest muscles to cut down on body fat. You do not need to train as if you wanted to win a bodybuilding contest. You simply need to train in a manner that will promote good results.

The right exercises here include push- ups, squats, lunges etc.

Basically, if you do resistance training as little as two days a week (three to four would be preferable) and hit the major compound exercises along with a few isolation exercises, you will give the muscles enough work to stimulate growth. When your muscles grow, they will need to tap into your calories in order to repair themselves. Also, muscles will need to maintain their size and shape and this will further burn additional calories.

When you burn calories, you reduce the amount of body fat on your frame. That is a fact and a good one since you will want to tap into this biological truth when hoping to reduce the body fat that has collected on your frame.

For those that seriously wish to shed a great deal of body fat, upping the intensity levels of your cardio exercises in a safe manner will have the desired result. Higher intensity cardio exercises such as interval training literally can turn the metabolism into a furnace for body fat. This may sound like an exaggeration but it is not. Ask anyone that performs such an exercise program. They will likely tell you in the affirmative that exercises of this nature can get you into leaner shape in a short period of time.

A question does arise here: do you really need to speed up the amount of time required to burn off body fat? In some instances, the answer is yes. In particular, anyone that needs to meet a particular weight class for a sporting event may very well have to do so. For most people, the fact is that it is not really necessary to shed a great deal of weight in a short period of time. As such, you can take extra time to lose the weight in a slow and controlled manner.

Ultimately, if you are willing to take a deliberate, common sense approach to losing body fat you will achieve your goals. All you need the right amount of patience and perseverance to do so.

Darragh Holland is a Cavan Personal Trainer and also runs his own Bootcamps.

He has helped people to lose weight and get toned so be sure to check out his Cavan personal training studio.

View the original article here

Being Fit Versus Being Healthy

Most people have this wrong notion that being fit is tantamount to being healthy. While the terms "fit" and "healthy" are almost identical in meaning, there is a subtle difference between the two. Being "fit" means the ability to exert effort and do regular work without fatigue or recover quickly after a round of strenuous exercise as the faster your heart beat returns to normal the fitter you are considered.

Being healthy, on the other hand, encompasses a complete well-being of body and mind along with the absence any disease or ailment. So you can be both healthy and fit or you can be fit and not healthy and vice versa. Your outdoor fitness workouts will definitely be high on your priority list if you want to be fit; however, being healthy is a more holistic approach towards having an enjoyable life.

If you are envious of your neighbor' perfectly toned figure then maybe you are contemplating starting your own fitness regimen. However, before you start shedding the flab and huffing and puffing at the gym, there are certain important factors you need to mull over. Some people are thin by nature; it's just in their genes, so don't equate less fat with being fit. Consider whether shedding fat should be your only fitness goal or should you incorporate exercise in your daily routine as a part of staying healthy.

Set a realistic weight loss goal for yourself before you start losing the pounds. In the absence of a pre-fixed standard, you'll never be satisfied with your fitness program and strive forever to shed more weight. This will inversely affect your mental happiness and invite depression. Also, people tend to focus more on fitness at the cause of their health thereby causing irreparable damage to their body in the form of chronic fatigue, weakness, injuries or an overworked, immunocompromised physique.

Many a times you come across such shocking news as the sudden death of a young athlete at the peak of his career. Athletes in general do regular and rigorous physical workouts to achieve and maintain a high fitness level. However, this does not automatically mean they are healthy. They may be having some congenital cardiac problems which they are unaware of or which they hope to offset by staying fit through regular exercise.

Many people also fall prey to the lure of steroids and health-drinks in order to have a muscular, fitter body. Avoid such suggestions and do a thorough medical checkup of your physique before embarking on any fitness program.

Trying to be healthy, on the other hand, is a more balanced and gradual process. It involves the complete well-being of your body and mind along with the absence of any illness. Even if you are exercising regularly, you might be suffering from a disease you are unaware of; and thus unhealthy. Happiness and contentment with life are also major components of being healthy.

Outdoor fitness workouts impart extra mobility and energy to you and you feel like you can achieve more within the same parameters. However, you have to combine that with nutritious balanced food, good lifestyle habits and harbor a positive attitude in order to be completely healthy. It is thus beneficial to throw in a little fitness activity in your daily routine so that your body stays flexible and strong but it is definitely not enough to have a healthy life, which is more desirable.

If you would like to sign up for a session at an Outdoor Fitness Domain, visit Sydney Bootcamps.

View the original article here

Sunday, 12 February 2012

How to Diet Successfully

There are a lot of diets out there, dieting has become an entire industry in its own right, with books, videos, websites and all manner of diet pills, supplements and other products available to consumers. Western nations are simultaneously becoming more health conscious and more overweight and because of this, there is an unprecedented demand for information on diets and products related to weight loss. However, what there isn't a lot of is solid, useful information on how to diet successfully - that is, how to lose weight and keep it off.

Anyone can lose weight using one of the many fad diets available, but these diets have a few fatal flaws: they generally don't provide you with a nutritionally balanced diet, they aren't designed for anything other than short term weight loss (which leads to the issue of yo-yo dieting, which is a huge problem in itself) and perhaps worst of all, they don't generally provide you with any kind of strategy for maintaining your weight once you lose excess pounds.

However, you don't need fad diet plans or diet pills in order to diet successfully; you just need the right information on what to do and what to avoid when you're trying to lose weight. Keep reading for a quick introduction on how to diet and keep the weight off once you've lost it.


The first step to any successful weight loss regimen is motivation. If you're not truly motivated to lose weight and improve your health, you're probably not going to be successful regardless of what kind of diet your follow. It takes self-discipline to avoid dietary pitfalls and to get the regular exercise you need to lose weight keep it off - without this, nothing will be likely to work for you over the long term.


Drinking plenty of water is something you should be doing in the first place since it's so essential to good health. Drinking eight or more cups of water daily helps your digestive system to work more efficiently, which assists in weight loss - and drinking water also helps you feel full; in many cases when you feel hunger pangs, you may simply be thirsty. Try drinking a glass of water when you feel hungry and make a point of having a glass before meals; you may be surprised by just how much less you eat at mealtimes.

Regular Exercise

This is (or should be) a no-brainer. We all know that we need to get regular exercise, especially if we're trying to lose weight. If you don't already get some form of exercise on a regular basis, try starting small with a daily half an hour walk and work your way up to more intensive exercise and lengthier workouts. You'll usually get the best results with half an hour to 45 minutes of exercise at least three to four times a week. Even if you don't have a lot of extra time in your day, try to work in a little physical activity where you can, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to the store instead of driving and so on - every little bit helps you lose excess weight and to keep it off.

A Healthy, Nutritionally Balanced Diet

We all have a pretty good idea of what we should be eating; fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, small amounts of healthy fats like olive oil, fish and other lean meats. It's more important to keep what you should steer clear of in mind: refined flours, sugar, processed foods and any foods or beverages which are loaded with preservatives and other unnatural ingredients. Get into the habit of reading food labels carefully and whenever possible, prepare your own meals from fresh ingredients rather than buying premade packaged food. It's OK to stray from your diet a little once in a while, but for the most part, you need to stick to the plan. Once you become accustomed to eating healthy, you'll find that you quickly lose your taste for less healthy options and along with regular exercise, this will make it easy to keep off the weight you've lost.

Darragh Holland is a Cavan Personal Trainer and also runs his own Bootcamps.

He has helped people to lose weight and get toned so be sure to check out his Cavan personal training studio.

View the original article here

Personal Training Business - Stay True To Your Market or Niche

In a very interesting interview we did with Adro Sarnelli from "The New Me" earlier in the week I was extremely impressive with Adro's passion, professionalism and business approach.

It was clear that Adro is doing what he loves, and that is why he will be successful. Through his own experience on The Biggest Loser (which he won!), along with his further study, he now has the knowledge and skills to change people's lives for the better. His own journey from 155kg down to 80kg and discovering a whole new perspective on life, health and fitness has driven him to create a unique business so he can give the gift of health to others that are in a similar position to what he once was.

During this interview one point really stood out to me, and I thought I'd share it with you.

Stay True To Your Market / Your Niche!

In Adro's business they ONLY accept people over 100kg's into their program.

So he is focused in on a niche market (one could argue that people over 100kg's is not really a niche with the obesity numbers in our country constantly increasing) and he is quickly becoming the expert in his field. In doing this Adro can be confident in his program to create change and he doesn't have to worry about diversifying his Operational Systems to include fitter clients under 100kg.

The point that Adro made that I found really interesting was that even in the early days you have to stay true to your market. Sometimes you will have to knock back work and potential sales because they simply do not fall into your chosen market.

Now, this can be easier said than done in the growth stage of your business. How easy would it be for Adro to accept a 90kg client who meets with him with cash in hand, ready and keen to join his business? In this situation I'm sure Adro would offer the client some advice, and refer them to another respected professional that would cater for their needs.

"If you only want to train overweight people, you can't train underweight people cos they pay the bills!" - Adro Sarnelli

Staying true to your market gives you a much higher chance of becoming the 'expert' or 'go-to' person in that particular niche. After listening to Adro speak, I am absolutely confident that he is that expert in training obese clients over 100kg's. I know this because that is the only thing he does and he does it extremely well.


It is fine to be a generalist, but if you choose to target a niche market then you must stay true to it. Diversifying and breaking away from your business vision in order to bring in some extra cash does nothing for your credibility and can prevent you becoming the expert in your niche.

Ask yourself: "What is my business known for?"

Travis Beckley from PT Business Systems.

PT Business Systems has been created to assist new and existing Personal Trainers build profitable businesses based on proven information and systems.

With over 17 years of experience in the Fitness Industry owning and operating Personal Training studios we have decided to share our experience and successful business systems online.

For instant access to more PT Business Systems and to download our free ebook "How To Continue To Earn While Your Clients Are Away" visit http://www.ptbusinesssystems.com/

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4 Excellent Suggestions for Healthy and Balanced and Long Lasting Weight Reduction

Nutrition is one of the two top contributors to any weight loss. You should always be aware of the things that are going into your body. How your body looks is a direct result of what you are eating. Additionally this has a significant impact to your overall health.

If your diet is not good it will not help significantly even if you exercise a great deal. Eating healthy doesn't mean you will not be able to enjoy the foods you like best. It is necessary to make sure you limit unhealthy foods, so that you can improve weight loss. You should not have any concerns over counting calories if your diet is primarily made up of healthy foods. Proper nutrition is not a concern for people who have healthy diets.

Here are four recommendations for healthy and lasting weight loss:

1. Do Not Drastically Cut Calories:

• A requirement of your body in order to function properly is calories which are used for energy.

• What you want to do is to eliminate empty calories from your diet, but keep the healthy calories.

• The empty kind of calorie typically comes from food that is not nutritional.

2. Keep Junk Food Out Of Mind And Out Of Sight:

• You will find that it is not easy to stay away from unhealthy food if you have large amounts of it stored in your house.

• It is a good idea to keep healthy snacks close at hand so that you will be able to satisfy those cravings that you may experience.

• If you have a craving for something sweet, fresh fruit, or strawberries is a good suggestion.

• For those who crave salty and crunchy foods, it's easy to keep nuts or carrots close by.

3. Avoid Drinking Your Calories:

• Many people consume a large quantity of calories through such things as alcoholic beverages, juices, sweet coffee filled with screen, and quite often sodas.

• Depending on the individual, the consumption of unsweetened tea or water can reduce caloric intake anywhere from hundreds to thousands of calories.

• The elimination of beverages which are high in calories will result in significant weight loss.

4. Make Your Fitness A Top Priority:

• People who only exercise if they have the time to do it are generally people who don't exercise.

• You should make fitness a priority, and mark it in your calendar no differently than you would for an appointment, or an important date.

• Once you've found a time that suits you, make sure you remember it and stick to it.

• It's more important for you to be consistent in your exercises then the actual type of exercise or time which you do them in.

• You need to make it your priority to exercise, and be sure it becomes a habit.

It doesn't take much to have 5 or 10 minutes of physical activity into your daily routine, and it can significantly increase your personal trainer Toronto and improve health.

Taking time for gym Toronto can be a life-changing thing, only takes a few moments each day, and it's very easy to do.

View the original article here

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Get The Heart Monitor Watch That Will Change Your Life

If you are trying to start a new workout plan or even just want to monitor your progress while working out the Timex T5G971 can definitely help you out with that. By monitoring your workouts you can effectively know what type of adjustments you need to make to make your workout the best it can be every time. Called the Personal Trainer Analog Heart Rate Monitor you can believe that this is not your ordinary watch.

The Timex T5G971 is not only simple to operate it makes fitness management simple for individual use. Most of us struggle with knowing if our workout is intense enough or if our heart rate is at the right pace to effectively lose weight. Since these factors are so important to meet fitness goals Timex has made it a point to give you a personal trainer that you can take with you anywhere! In a world where we expect convenience to not outweigh quality, at the low cost of $70 beats the high prices of hiring an overpriced trainer to yell at you when you're not performing the way you should.

When trying to improve your health it is always a concern that you may not be doing enough to get results. By using the Timex T5G971 you can see how many calories you've burned which is one of the main things to monitor if you are trying to lose weight. Monitoring your heart is very important as well, if you do not keep it between a certain rate, you can be working out and not even be doing anything to burn your desired calories.

One thing that makes this watch so unique is the fact that it is analog which allows you to sync the watch to communicate with fitness equipment. How cool is it that? You can have the information that is on your watch also on your treadmill or stationary bike so that you can see each beat per minute? Let me not fail to mention that the Timex T5G971 is water resistant to 30m which can allow you to get a full swim workout and your watch will still be ticking.

Equipped with a recovery heart rate timer and an automatic activity timer you can schedule your watch exactly to an effective workout. Small details like the INDIGLO nightlight and a workout review shows how much thought Timex put into the T5G971. If your goal is to whip yourself into shape so that you can live the healthy lifestyle that you want to live you have to invest in it just like anything else in life. No one wants to workout in vein and that is why monitoring your workout with the Timex T5G971 can eliminate the worry of what progress you are truly making. Accomplishing weight loss goals or just simply staying in shape have never been easier with the Timex T5G971 sitting comfortably on your wrist ensuring your success. So get out there, get healthy and do it the right way so that you can see every goal you set out for yourself met.

Mitch Sedrock works hard to write articles about all things to do with health and fitness. Mitch also digs into sports and outdoor activities where he spends much of his time. You can rest assured, when Mitch goes on an outdoor excursion he will be bringing back some great articles on his experiences, he then sits down and writes a great article for all to read. If you would like to learn more about the timex T5G971 Heart Monitor and Fitness watch, just go to the Times T5G971 Website. Get your health back on by finding out what this watch can help you do with your heart and health, the Times T5G971, the watch you should have.

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Bootcamp Routines for Personal Trainers

Many personal trainers are looking for bootcamp routines to start their own fitness bootcamps. It's a great way to supplement their personal training income or create their own bootcamp business. For a bootcamp business to be successful it must have a variety of routines. No one likes to do the same exercises each workout. The larger variety of bootcamp routines that you have, the more bootcampers you will have and the happier they will be.

Creating exercises is one of the areas that personal trainers struggle with in their bootcamp business. This takes up a lot of time that they could be using to grow their business. The easiest way to create new routines is by creating lots of mini circuits that you can put together to form your workout routines. Circuits can be created with similar body part exercises or exercises from different body parts. Bootcamp workout routines could focus on abs, legs, upper body, butt, arm, core strength or you can combine them into a full body routine. You can also mix up your circuits by creating circuits that are of different time lengths with different number of exercises. Circuits could be 5, 10 or 20 minutes with 20, 30, or 60 seconds per exercise. It's up to you. Once you see what your clients like the best and what gets them the best results then you can create routines following that template.

A great way to start your bootcamp routines is with warm up exercises for 5 to 10 minutes. Get everyone to loosen up so you don't have anyone pulling muscles or getting hurt. The warmup can be followed by 2 to 4 different circuits that you can perform 1 to 3 times each. At the end of the session have your group do a fun exercise that will help them to bond as a group. Don't forget to add in a cool down and some stretching at the end of your bootcamp session.

Here are some exercises you can include in your bootcamp circuit routines.

Upper body Exercises

Push-ups, T-push-ups, Spider-man push-ups, kneeling push-ups, staggered push-ups.

Abdominal Exercises

Mountain Climbers, Planks, Side Planks, Spider-man Climbs, leg lifts, bicycles,

Leg Exercises

Lunges, diagonal lunges, reverse lunges, side lunges, reaching lunges, Squats, sumo squats, prisoner squats, one leg squats, squat thrusts, One leg deadlifts,

Other Exercises

Side Jumps, Jumping jacks, running on the spot, leg swings, arm crosses.

This should get you started in the right direction towards starting to create bootcamp routines for your bootcamp business.

You can find more Bootcamp Routines and stragtegies for building your bootcamp business at http://bootcamp-exercises.info/free-bootcamp-exercises/

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How-to Fitness Boot Camps: Your Population

A lot of people are interested in attending & training fitness boot camps. Not only do they produce great results for clients, but they have great earning potential for boot camp instructors. I would like to go over some of the steps that need to be considered if you want to run a fitness boot camp.

One of the first decisions is to identify the population you want to train and market to. You might not think this, but marketing to your population is just as important as training your population. If you cannot get individuals to your fitness boot camp, your company is pointless. For now we will focus on training and save marketing for another article.

The hardest part of being a boot camp instructor is designing programs for your participants. You need to design a program that will be challenging enough for all participants. Participants come in all shapes and sizes, fitness levels, ages, and disabilities. Some participants can easily complete an exercise, lets say a squat, but others will have a very hard time properly completing one squat. One idea you should consider, as a boot camp instructor, is to separate your participants by fitness level. One class could be for new members and another for your veterans. If you do not have enough time, or campers, to have separate camps, try to spend a little extra time with your new campers so they perform the exercises correctly.

Another aspect you need to consider are the potential disabilities of your participants. As the boot camp instructor, you should have all your participants fill out Physical Activity Readiness - Questionnaire (PAR-Q) before participating in your fitness boot camp. The PAR-Q will help determine whether your participants should see a physician before beginning an exercise program. All participants should see a physician when beginning an exercise program, but the PAR-Q will help you, the boot camp instructor, decide whether you should continue training the participant or refer them. Once you examine the completed PAR-Q, you should have a conversation with them about their pre-existing injuries or problems. Most people have had some sort of previous knee or shoulder injury, that could potential limit them participating in your fitness boot camp.

When designing your program, you need to keep in mind all of your participants injuries and limitations. You will need to provide exercise modifications to all participants with previous injuries. This is very important for numerous reasons: 1) If you don't provide modifications, the participants will not return to your classes, or refer potential members to you 2) Participants with injuries still need to exercise and they want to exercise 3) Designing modifications so all participant can exercise together is good for building team camaraderie and not leaving anyone out. It is never a good idea to have a participant not exercising while everybody else is sweating.

Another aspect to consider is the goal of your participant. Most of your member's goals will be similar (weight loss, increase lean muscle mass, & meet new participants) but it is highly recommended that you find more specific goals from your clients. A specific goal may be to run a 5k faster (or run the entire race) or to lose an inch around the waist. Once you know your participants goals, you can design your program around their goals and explain why your program will help them meet their goals.

Christopher Sunseri, MS Candidate, BS Nutrition, NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer. Chris is the owner and lead trainer of Camp Hurricane - Houston's Premier Boot Camp Experience. Chris is also a fitness specialist for Cooper Aerobics - Devon Energy Houston, TX

Please visit camphurricane.com for information on boot camps in the Houston Area.

Please visit https://www.facebook.com/CampHurricane for our latest news.

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Friday, 10 February 2012

How To Improve Your Personal Training Business Cash Flow

In a personal training business, cash flow should never be a problem. As personal trainers we are paid in advance so the only reason we should have a cash flow problem is if we can't control our own finances. There are measures that personal trainers can adopt t and help out with the structure of the financial arrangements.

The first method is review the way that personal training clients are charged for the service. Traditional methods include booking clients in packages giving large discounts for the amount of sessions booked. I can certainly see why this attractive as on the face of it the client is committed for longer and the personal trainer gets a large cheque for the privilege. The main issue with this is that it doesn't help cash flow. Most people do not manage money well so the tendency may be to spend that money before it has been earned. When you are 10 sessions into a 20 session package and have already spent the money, this isn't an enjoyable experience for a personal trainer.

The other issue is that is doesn't really help the client. The client gets a bigger discount but what about if the client hates the training experience after about 5 sessions, you will either have to refund the client or grin and bear it. If the client is doing one session per week and you have booked a package of 20, this isn't a pleasant expedience for both the personal trainer and the client. These days are really coming to an end if you want to be smart with your personal training business.

This method of package booking are dated in my opinion as it is focused on price and this isn't the main reason why people train. Personal training is becoming more and more affordable but will always be an exclusive service. By making your pricing structure monthly by standing order or bank transfer, you can still offer good value but not have to tie the client in for 20 weeks. This way you look more professional instead of running round after cheques or even worse cash as a method of payment. If you running a professional personal training business, then the financial side of the business should be professional as well. This can really make you stand out and give you sound financial footing to deliver world class personal training to all your clients.

Hi I'n John Hill, personal trainer for Inspiring Fitness. At Inspiring Fitness we are proud to support personal trainers to succeed in business. We offer;
? Guaranteed client enquiries for the life of your business
? Unlimited one to one personal support
? Continous investment in your growth & development

Please visit our website and download an information pack for more details.

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How to Achieve a Lean, "Ripped" Look

Everyone I know wants to be lean and totally "ripped"! There are several ways to achieve that "look", but most people want to know the fast, easy way. Well, there really is no fast or easy way, but I can tell you one way that is the least painless and less time-consuming.

You will have to follow a few simple techniques to get to your goal:
Eat a clean diet. Make sure you are consuming at least 1-1.5 grams of lean protein per pound of body weight. Your carbohydrate sources should be nutrient dense and fibrous choices such as green vegetables, oatmeal, sweet potatoes and brown rice. Make sure you are also eating healthy fat like olive oil, flaxseed oil, all-natural peanut butter, salmon and EFA capsules.
Absolutely NO junk food!
You should completely eliminate fruit, fruit juice, dairy and bread.
Take a good multi-vitamin and supplement with at least 15 grams of L-Glutamine every day to promote muscle recovery.
You must be on an intense lifting split, working each body part. once per week. A 3-day split is best.
Perform at least one High Intensity Interval cardio session per week. I suggest 15-20 minutes of HIIT training.
Perform at least one moderate-intensity cardio session per week. I recommend 30 minutes of moderate cardio.
On training days, your last set of every exercise should be to failure.
When lifting, squeeze your muscle at the top of every rep before performing the next rep.
Change the way you perform a "rep".Using the Lat Pull-down as an example; one repetition would consist of pulling the bar down to your chest, allowing it to come half way up, pulling it down again for a tight contraction and then allowing the weight to come all the way back to the top, so that your arms are fully extended. Use this technique with all your lifts.
Incorporate Isotension - Wait a minute...you're not done yet!After your final set, reduce the weight by about 20 percent and hold it at the top of the lift for a 30-second static contraction. The contraction should cause a huge flow of blood to be directed toward the muscle you are working. You should be squeezing the life out of your muscles.
Posing - Choose 2 days a week to flex and tense your muscles for 30 minutes. You will pose, flex and tense your muscles as intensely as possible for a total of 30 minutes. This will not only burn calories, but also improve the shape, separation and condition of your muscles. Hit a pose and hold it for at least 5-10 seconds before switching to another pose. Flex your muscles with extreme intensity for the duration of this workout!

By implementing these simple techniques you can easily achieve a lean, "ripped" look without spending a fortune on supplements or spending hours and hours in the gym.

Try 2 of these techniques for 8 weeks! You'll be totally amazed at much fat you'll lose and at your overall transformation!

Be Well & Stay Fit!

Aimee Deak
Personal Trainer & Nutrition Analysis

Aimee Deak is a certified personal trainer, nutrition analyst and author of the book, "Every Body Loses", an easy-to follow, step-by-step guide to fat loss and exercise.

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Decided It's Time To Start Looking for a Personal Trainer?

Many people sign up to work with a personal trainer because it helps provide accountability and motivation; some people sign up because they want the hardest workout they can possibly tolerate. Let's face it, most of us will check off a long list of other activities before getting a workout in. If you have a set date and time to work out every Monday evening at 6 pm and you are using your hard earned dollars, the chances are good that you are going to show up and work hard.

Another reason to get a personal trainer is because it provides efficiency with your workouts. Time is a precious commodity for everyone today; it makes sense to be the most effective and efficient with your workouts. High intensity training provides the most efficient and effective way to improve strength. If you have a 30 minute session to do high intensity training, you are going to be focused and eager to maximize those 30 minutes. Working out with a specialist also reduces the risk of injury; especially if you are doing a slow workout. It can also help to have a spotter with you at all times.

Education, a reputable certification in good standing, as well as a current CPR certificate are all things to consider as you embark on your search. Each trainer should have a strong educational background... it may be in physiology, communications, or education, as each of these areas of study that relate to skills needed to be a personal trainer. These specialties allow them to teach you more quickly as well as relate to you more effectively. There are many certifying bodies in today's world; make sure to use a trainer that is aligned with an accredited organization.

Most individuals have special conditions which need to be factored into each workout. Your personal trainer needs to make accommodations for every client; knowledge and experience of individuals with special needs is vital. Most important, make sure that you find someone whose training style matches best with your personality and goals.

In conclusion, working with someone who knows what they're doing during your workouts can be efficient and cost effective. The busy professional needs to take advantage of every minute of their workout, but also needs to maintain strength and overall fitness. By doing your research, you can make an educated decision so the time you spend together is well spent and your personal trainer will help you achieve your goals.

Ready to get started and looking for a Chicago personal trainer? Remember to make sure they fit your personality and understand your fitness needs.

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Thursday, 9 February 2012

7 Bootcamp Business Promotion Tips

Bootcamps are becoming a popular business venture for personal trainers but many have a hard time thinking of bootcamp business promotions they can use to get more clients. Bootcamps are a great way for a personal trainer to make extra income. Personal trainers can run a bootcamp for a couple hours a day and make just as much as they do with their personal training sessions for the day. With bootcamp classes personal trainers are able to train as many clients in one session as they do all day with their personal training sessions. This is beneficial for both the personal trainers and clients. Personal trainers become more productive by training more people in less time and clients get to save money while still getting the personal training experience.

There are many ways a bootcamp business can be promoted. Here are several bootcamp business promotion tips that you can use for your personal training business.

E-mail your current personal training clients - This may take away from your personal training income but it will also free up more time for you to focus on your bootcamp business. These clients may have friends that want to join with them.

Flyers - Post flyers at gyms, grocery stores, community centers, and other places around your community that have bulletin boards available for advertising.

Start a Facebook fan page - A facebook fan page is a great free way to get people to share their experiences from bootcamp with their friends. You can also post updates for the group about schedule changes, workouts and nutrition tips. Ask your clients to like the page and share it with their friends as well. This will help your business go viral.

Give out T-shirts - Many successful gyms give out t-shirts to new members. If they stand out in some way people will notice and ask them about the program. This is a great way to get your clients talking about the bootcamp and promoting your bootcamp.

Give Incentives for referrals - Give your current clients an incentive for referring new members. You may give them a discount for each new person or perhaps several weeks free if someone signs up for a couple months.

Group Discount - Lots of people like to workout with friends or family. You can give them a discount if they join up together.

2 Weeks free - Give out cards to your current clients to pass around to their friends that gives them 2 weeks free to try out the bootcamp with their friend. If their friend joins then they get an incentive.

Try out a couple of these bootcamp business promotion tips and make sure you monitor which ones work for you.

Get some of the best workout and client-attraction secrets of the world's best bootcamps to help you build your bootcamp business at http://bootcamp-exercises.info/bootcampinstructors.html

If you aren't a trainer but would like some secrets, tips and bootcamp workouts to get great fat burning results from your workout check out http://bootcamp-exercises.info/bootcampers.html

View the original article here

Metabolic Finishers or Intervals for Fat Loss

Metabolic finishers refer to a single or a set of variable high-intensity exercises performed for short durations (3 to 5 minutes) at the end of a regular workout. Metabolic finishers are performed with the purpose of achieving an enhanced after burn. A higher after burn implies that you continue to burn more calories even long after you have finished your workout. Some studies have revealed that a good after burn can show its effect for as long as 72 hours after the workout.

Hence, metabolic finishers can enable greatly enhanced fat loss compared to a normal cardio exercise session.

Another type of workout for fat loss that works far better than a cardio session alone is that of intervals, also called interval training. In this the regular workout is interspersed with 6 to 8 short (20 to 30 sec, at the most 1 minute) bursts of very intense activity. During these intense intervals you continue to do the same exercise but with increased effort in order to push your heartbeat close to your peak rate. And then back to the normal moderate-intensity workout for about double the duration of the intense period.

Why metabolic finishers and intervals result in increased fat loss

Increased fat loss by metabolic finishers and intervals is achieved in two ways: First, the longer after burn helps continue the fat burning process for longer periods even after the workout is long over. Second, during the high-intensity intervals the production of the human growth hormone is greatly enhanced. And this is the key hormone that facilitates fat loss. Both these factors work in conjunction to give enhanced fat loss compared to cardio exercises alone.

Metabolic finishers exercises

There are many variants of metabolic finishers existing in the world of fitness. In fact, fitness trainers across the world have developed their own set of metabolic finishers in accordance with their preferences. Some are real tough, and some not so tough. And some of them can be real fun to perform.

These exercises generally involve using your own body weight in any number of ways. They can be designed to improve the strength endurance power of different muscles along with extending the after burn. Some popular names of exercises that serve as metabolic finishers are: 300 yard shuttle sprints, medicine throw ball complex, prowler or tyre pushes, plate or sled pushes, 4-minute body weight Tabata complex, four corners farmers walks, 100 rep kettlebell complex, partner tag, reaction ball (catch and throw), leg complexes, plate push complex, Godfather complex, exercises with heavy ropes, Chest bumps, and so on and so forth.

Interval training can be introduced into any cardiovascular activity simply by interspersing the normal activity with 6 to 8 short bursts of peak performance into it. For example, if you are jogging, introduce short intervals of sprinting into it; if you are cycling on a stationary bike, introduce short intervals of spinning into it.

That's all about metabolic finishers and intervals. Both are great for fat loss.

Darragh Holland is a Cavan Personal Trainer and also runs his own Bootcamps.

He has helped people to lose weight and get toned so be sure to check out his Cavan personal training studio.

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Importance Of Having A Qualified Personal Trainer

The need to have the best personal trainer has never been this critical. Everybody is now concerned with how to stay in shape and out of medical complications. With the kind of sedentary lifestyle that people have adopted nowadays, they run a risk of losing their body shapes very easily or even acquiring some very serious medical conditions. The majority of us spend the whole day seated in front of a computer working and eating junk foods. Then, in the evening after work, we hardly take a few minutes to walk. Instead, we want to rush to the car and drive home as fast as possible. At home, there is no time to exercise. All we want is to sit on the couch to watch television or eat and go to bed. With this kind of lifestyle, we are only digging our own graves. So what is the solution to this?

The first step that everyone, who is positive about living healthy, should take is to ensure that they at least spend a few minutes of their free time doing some physical exercises. Some people do not want to think of doing exercises, however, this is the easiest and safest way to stay in shape and healthy. Let nobody lie to you that there is an easier way of maintaining the right body weight other than exercising. Exercises are natural and very healthy, especially if you can find the right personal trainer to take you through some of the basics. Numerous benefits come with learning how to do physical exercises through personal trainers.

Firstly, the trainer understands the best techniques that you can apply in your exercising routine so as to realize quick and effective results. Your personal trainer will sit down with you and develop a tailored workout plan that will not adversely affect your health. Since the trainer is more experienced in matters to do with health and exercises, he will be in a position to design a plan that is tailored to your specific needs. If you want to lose weight, the trainer will guide you through some of the best physical exercises that are suitable for people with extra body weight. Depending on the amount of weight you want to lose, your trainer will design the right personal training workout program for you.

What's more, some personal trainers are also qualified as nutritionists. As such, they will be able to design a dietary plan that will help you to lose the exact amount of weight that you want to lose. Remember that personal training is not just about the physical exercises, it also entails other important lessons such as eating healthy, changing lifestyles, and more. It is therefore beneficial for you to get a trainer who is knowledgeable in the various fields.

Your personal trainer should be able to listen to your concerns and offer you enough advice where it's necessary. He should also be able to take you through the personal training process at your own pace.

Trying to lose weight and achieve your fitness goals? Then be sure to contact the personal training experts at Toronto Fitness Online, rated as one of the top five best personal trainers Toronto by Metro Newspaper.

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Personal Training Business - Sell For The Long Term

Quick question! Do you sell 10 packs? I remember when I first started in Personal Training 10 packs were all the rage. Getting someone to commit to 10 sessions with you was awesome and more often than not they paid up-front in cash!! As a new Personal Trainer in the industry getting 500 bucks in the hand seemed like a great achievement. It wasn't until years later that I asked myself WHY am I only selling 10 sessions at a time?

Was it because I was not comfortable asking for more commitment and money than that?

Was it because I was letting my own financial situation affect what I thought others could afford or would be prepared to pay?

Was it because I did not have a direct debit system set up and was fearful clients would not be able to afford more than 10 session at a time?

Was it because it was what everyone else was doing?

Fast forward 9 years and I can no longer see the sense in having the "10 Pack" as my staple product, and I look back at the early days and think about all of the money I lost during my "10 Pack" period!!

Here's my 3 reasons why I believe the 10 Pack product should not be your main product!

Most clients will not be able to achieve their goal in 10 sessions, so they'll have to purchase more anyway!

With clients training an average of twice per week, you will be asking for more money close to every month!

There are more opportunities for the client to say "NO!" to continuing with you!

After converting from selling 10 Packs to selling 6 months of Personal Training, I found that clients could afford it. Some clients still paid up front (in CASH) and most clients preferred it because it matched their commitment and goal time frame.

For me, the biggest bonus was NOT having the renewal (payment) conversion as often with my clients, hence not giving them as many opportunities to say, "Thanks, but NO thanks!"

If you are a Personal Trainer out there still offering the 10 Pack as your main product, you may want to download our Ebook about Direct Debiting and how it can positively affect your cash flow.

These days I see the 10 Pack product as an "Introductory Offer" or "Special" rather than the main product.

Travis Beckley from PT Business Systems.

PT Business Systems has been created to assist new and existing Personal Trainers build profitable businesses based on proven information and systems.

With over 17 years of experience in the Fitness Industry owning and operating Personal Training studios we have decided to share our experience and successful business systems online.

For instant access to more PT Business Systems and to download our free ebook "How To Continue To Earn While Your Clients Are Away" visit http://www.ptbusinesssystems.com/

View the original article here

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Four Ways to Reward Yourself on Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Everyone wants to stay fit but not many are able to build up a level of consistency and be doggedly regular in their exercise routine. You need to be highly motivated for it. The right kind of motivation can lead to splendid results and personal trainers swear by this as they train and observe scores of people on their way to fitness. One such way to keep up the spirit and be interested in your daily fitness is to observe small milestones achieved towards fitness and to reward yourself amply for it. Of course the reward should not be in the form of gorging at a fast food joint and loading yourself with sinful calories. They can come in hordes of different ways.

There are very few who can resist the temptation of new clothes and fewer who do not feel happy at buying new clothes. If the new clothes accentuate your hard earned fitness, there cannot be a better way to make you feel motivated. You can try out that size medium tee you were eying so wistfully and could not get into it for those extra calories around the waist. If it fits you now after slogging out with your personal trainer, there is reason to celebrate and go for the treadmill with renewed gusto.

Trip to the beauty Salon
You have lost weight but cannot have the desired attention to yourself if your hair hangs limp around the shoulders and your hands and feet resemble a crow's. What better way to reward yourself than making a much needed and a much deserved visit to the salon and teaming the weight loss with a nice and trendy haircut which makes you look a couple of years younger. A manicure and pedicure along with a facial to make your skin glow will complete your look. You look good and you feel good and on top of the world with these little changes which also serve as great motivators.

If music serves as the one necessary companion to your hours of exercise, then indulge yourself with a pack of CDs of your favourites. Hum along and exercise to the beats of music with your new collection. You will not realise how the hours just fly as you sail through yet another exercise module.

Plan out a vacation
Promise yourself the luxury of a trip if you succeed in sticking to an exercise and diet regime for a stipulated time. Your personal trainer will surely agree with you that you need to take a break after that back breaking fitness routine. A promised indulgence at the end of a grinding schedule works as a huge motivator. You can set small rewards like buying a new handbag or that wonderful pair of shoes after you achieve some milestone.

Small goals shall relieve your exercise of drudgery and help you to achieve your goals with a lot of excitement, newness and motivation.

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Four Exercises for Core Strength

Back pain treatment and prevention both require the development of a strong core. The core consists of muscles in the stomach, pelvis, buttocks and lower back. These muscles are meant to work together to support the upper body's weight and stabilize the spine. Unfortunately, many people today either have weak or imbalanced cores.

When the core is weak, posture suffers. Most often, stomach and gluteal (buttock) muscles are weak, whereas muscles in the lower back and hips are tight from compensating for the others. This creates strain throughout the body's core, pulling the pelvis out of alignment. Since the spine rises from the pelvis, any distortion of pelvic position will be reflected in the spine's alignment.

Some people who exercise don't realize the importance of a balanced core workout; they work on their outermost layer of abdominal muscles in pursuit of the famed 6-pack, all the while neglecting the muscles of the lower back. The tight, shortened abdominals can pull up on the pelvis and down on the muscles of the chest, creating a hunched posture since no counter-tension is offered by the slack lower back muscles.

Whether you're an athlete or an office worker, core strength is important. You need your core when you sit, stand and move. It is your center, the source of your movement and power. The following four exercises can easily be fit into a busy schedule.

The Crunch

The crunch is one of the best stomach exercises, and despite its popularity, many people still don't know how to perform them properly. With every exercise, proper form is essential to avoiding injury and building strength. Watch the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK1eTLViYXI to see proper crunch technique. This exercise will strengthen the muscles in the abdomen, especially the rectus abdominus, the muscles of the 6-pack. If you are just beginning your exercise routine, start with 10 crunches 3 days a week and increase to two repetitions after a few weeks.

The Bridge

When performed correctly, the bridge strengthens the gluteal, pelvic, lower back and deep abdominal muscles. It is an important exercise for anyone who does crunches, because it balances them nicely. To do the bridge, lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. With your deep abdominal muscles engaged, raise your buttocks until a straight line is formed from your head to your knees. Be sure not to bend your back on your way up. You should feel that muscles in your thighs and buttocks are activated during the bridge. Do as many bridges as you do crunches for balance.

The Back Extension

This back strengthening exercise focuses on the lower back muscles. It is performed by lying on the stomach and lifting both the feet and the head off the ground while keeping the pelvis anchored. See the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw9YuQTTc58 to view proper form during this exercise.

The Side Plank

This exercise requires all of the core muscles to stabilize the pelvis and hold the body up. Lying on your side, put the foot of the top leg in front of the other. Prop yourself up on your forearm. Engage your abdominal muscles by drawing them in and lift your body up off the floor, making a straight line from foot to head. Try holding this position for 30 seconds at first, and gradually increase your time.

Developing core strength is a great form of back pain management. That said, if you have severe or chronic back pain caused by a degenerated disc, sciatica, sacroiliac joint dysfunction or other condition, certain exercises could worsen your pain. Consult a physical therapist before embarking on an exercise routine if you have serious back problems. For many of us, back pain can be prevented and treated with an hour a week of conditioning the core muscles.

Education in back pain is the cheapest form of self preservation. Learn about what causes back pain and 4 other things that cause sciatic nerve pain.

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Knowing a Quality Trainer When You See One

Trainers have different philosophies and use a variety of techniques. Some come from the drill-sergeant school of motivation; others prefer the cheerleading approach. Still, there are some characteristics that all trainers should share. Choose a trainer who:

Evaluates your fitness and goals: Before anything else, your trainer should assess your current physical condition. Then your trainer should have a long talk with you about your expectations for the training sessions - your hopes, your dreams, and your specific goals. All this information is crucial: To really be of help to you, a trainer must know where you're starting from and where you want to go.

Gives you a balanced program: Unless you specifically request other- wise, your sessions should include three components: cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Some trainers prefer that you do the cardiovascular portion on your own, but if you ask, your trainer should help you design a program and keep tabs on your work- out and intensity. Heads up: Many trainers also skip the stretching and cool-down portions of a workout.

Watches you closely: Your trainer should pay attention to your form and give you pointers throughout the session. On the other hand, you don't want a trainer who blabs incessantly. Your trainer also should spot you in other words, stand poised to grab the weight and give you some help if your muscles give out.

Reassesses your goals and measures your progress: A good trainer retests you after the first six weeks of training and, if you've been working out consistently, every two to three months thereafter. A trainer who is really on the ball also reassesses your goals every few weeks to keep you motivated.

Listens to you: If you mention that an exercise doesn't feel right, your trainer should figure out why and show you an alternative move for the same body part. There's no single exercise you absolutely must do. If you tell him you're feeling stagnant, overtrained, or underchallenged, he should alter your program.

Teaches you to be independent: Ironically, good trainers train themselves out of a job by teaching you how to do everything on your own. After a few months, you should be able to set the correct amount of weight, adjust the machines, use proper form, and modify your routine as needed. Of course, if you'd never exercise by yourself, you're welcome to hire your trainer for life; she'll be glad to accommodate you. Regardless, you should know how to do everything on your own. This way, if you're out of town on business or vacation, you can keep up your

workouts at a hotel or local gym. And if, heaven forbid, your trainer goes on vacation, you won't have an excuse to stop working out.

Speaks English, not jargon: Some trainers say things like, Your patella edema is a limiting factor in increasing your volume of oxygen uptake. Translation: You can't run faster because you have bad knees. If you can't understand what your trainer is saying, find someone new. You shouldn't expend extra energy just trying to figure out what the heck you're being asked to do. Trainers with jargonitis tend to be really insecure. Occasionally, however, a small dose of fitness verbiage is good for you; a trainer may be trying to teach you something that you actually should know, like where your triceps are.

David Billy knows the importance of a healthy body. For meal plans that will help you lose excess pounds, see: 24/7 Fat Loss. Another good weight loss program to try is: 5 Tips To Lose Stomach Fat.

View the original article here

Four Benefits to Using a Personal Trainer to Get in Shape

You know exercise is good for you. But that doesn't mean you know what to do or where to start. It also doesn't mean you have the motivation. It doesn't mean you know what exercises you should do to meet your goals or you know how to do them. It's not something you're born knowing, and the knowledge isn't magically endowed upon you when you decide to start going to the gym.

Never fear, there is an option for you.

You don't have to go to the gym and worry about not knowing what to do, or do the exercises inefficiently. You don't have to let your lack of knowledge, experience or motivations stop you exercising and meeting all your goals. You can hire a personal trainer.

Most people think hiring a trainer is out of reach. You might think it's only for people who have a lot of money. But, trainers are very reasonably priced these days. Your gym will probably have access to two or three they recommend. They might even be on staff. You can pay for their time and get the help you need and skip all that trial and error and hit the ground running or lifting!

OK, now you have your personal trainer on board and they're standing over you telling you what to do, you're probably thinking you're back in grade school, and asking yourself why exactly you got yourself into this. There are four good answers to that question. You get the answers when you see the benefits to having a trainer.

Here are my favorite four benefits being a personal trainer myself:

1. Number one is you're going to get an accurate assessment of your abilities. You can't judge usually judge at the beginning how well you can do something. Underestimating your abilities will mean you won't be getting a challenge from your workout program. But overestimating means you run a good risk of hurting yourself because you're doing too much. A qualified trainer is going to be able to accurately judge what you can do, and can help you set up an appropriate workout program.

2. The second benefit to using a trainer is you're going to learn how to do everything the right way. You will learn the proper form for each exercise, and the right way to use the various machines or free weights. At best, using the wrong form on an exercise will cause you to lose a lot of the benefit from it. At worst, you run the risk of seriously injury to yourself. A personal trainer will show you the right way to do each exercise and use the equipment to ensure you get the most benefit.

3. Motivation is important. At some point you'll lose your motivation and things will get harder and life will begin to get in the way. You'll lose your focus and will start slacking off. It happens to everyone. The third benefit from having personal training is motivation. Human nature is such that when you're accountable only to yourself it's easy to justify slacking off. You can convince yourself you've a good reason to take today off. But, when you have someone you have to talk to about your workout, and who is encouraging you to keep going, it is hard to disappoint that person. A trainer can also help keep you motivated by changing up your workout plan. Boredom makes it easy to lose your focus.

4. The final benefit is that you will get a workout that is completely customized to you. Before you even do one exercise or evaluation you and your new personal trainer will sit down and talk about your goals. You will tell your trainer what it is you want, and he or she will make a plan for you to ensure you meet your goals - providing you do the work be consistent with your workouts.

If you want to start working out, the best way to make sure that you get the most out of it is to hire a personal trainer and follow the plan they put in place for you. And always have fun.

Liane Blyn is the co-owner of Athletic Based Training in the Metro-West Boston area and helps athletes of all levels and ages optimize their athletic performance. Liane runs programs for Strength and Conditioning in Milford and Holliston Massachusetts locations and you can get more details about her programs at her website here: http://www.athleticbasedtraining.com/

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Tuesday, 7 February 2012

CWU For Olympic and Power Lifts

Integrating corrective exercises with dynamic warm ups.

Disclaimer, it is best to have a thorough evaluation by a medical professional before proceeding with a fitness program.

My essay targets the more recreational lifter, particularly those who have an active lifestyle and work 9-5. Generally, this population has a sedentary job and works out for overall health. Unlike professional lifter, who dedicate more hours to training with professional guidance for competition, I am focusing on the needs of the "weekend warrior".

For the rest of us, who do not have an athletic training coach and work 9-5, I would like to suggest C.W.U. Corrective Warm Ups, multi-joint corrective exercises mixed with dynamic warm ups. Corrective exercises target muscle imbalances while dynamic warm-ups warm up major muscle groups.

Why not just do cardio for 5 minutes? Cardio by itself does not prepare the muscle for the work ahead...it just raises your core temperature. Pre-workout preparation is just as important as the workout itself. In my 15+ years experience in fitness, I have found some common denominators in how people get injured. The first is focusing only on increasing core temperature in their warm up, not specific joint actions (muscle groups) and second, poor exercise technique.

My training experience tells me it would benefit me to learn from their mistakes and include dynamic and corrective exercises in my client's workouts. This is applicable regardless whether your goal is strength, power, hypertrophy or weight loss. The name of the game is to keep you training for success and not side tracked by an injury. I want to emphasize there is no "silver bullet" in preventing injuries, however by training smarter we can lessen the chances of injuries.

Unlike designated days where you would focus on corrective exercises with more volume (I called them recovery workouts) e.g. rotator cuff, glute activation, thoracic mobility, reactive training, muscle extensibility & flexibility, you can address some of these muscle imbalances or weak links more frequently via a balanced CWU.

There is a well known S.M.A.R.T. principle that is used when creating a program design and I believe it can apply to the warm up. It should be Specific, Measurable, Action, Realistic and Timed.

Main factors in my corrective warm up design:

1. The exercise order is important, it should not be a series of random movements and it is also not designed to exhaust your energy.

2. Since the human body can move in 7 directions. Forward, backwards, left, right, up, down and rotary, so should the warm-up.

3. It should be specific; if your workout has a heavy emphasis on the posterior chain e.g. dead-lift, it would be wise to also "fire up" the antagonist muscles in your warm up e.g. abdominals -Stability ball bicycle crunches. Another example, if your workout has heavy emphasis on cleans and overhead presses then you want to ensure rotator cuff, erector spinae are warmed up e.g. stability ball pikes.

4. Warm up must include unilateral movement. E.g. t-pushups, walking quadriceps stretch with overhead reach.

5. Warm up must be progressive. E.g. walking quad stretch with overhead reach now finishes with a single leg hip hinge.

6. In a nutshell, design the C.W.U to do MORE in less time. It should take no longer than 5 minutes.

Some of my corrective warm up drills might be challenging but not impossible. Individuals with flat feet may find lunge with rotation and single leg balance challenging. Others with upper cross syndrome may find the overhead reach difficult and also find it hard not to shrug while doing the stability ball press ups or t-pushup.

Note: Having unaddressed muscle imbalances due to injuries or from a sedentary job may limit your performance. One of the requisites of having good form is joint mobility. Left untreated, you are also at higher risk for shoulder, low back and knee injury. Solution...customized corrective exercises.

Foam roll: Benefits, myofascia release, muscle extensibility, promotes muscle recovery.

A Few Benefits of C.W.U.:

• Movement in all anatomical planes- functional, movement patterns.

• Increase core temperature- increase blood flow.

• Core stability-increase muscle fiber activation, recruitment of internal oblique, quadrates lumborum, paraspinal muscles, mid/low traps, transverse abdominus, serratus anterior to name a few. E.g. stability ball pikes.

• Scapular retraction, protraction, depression, upward and downward rotation.

• Unilateral movement: knee stability, hip mobility & stability, balance, ankle mobility

• Improve range of motion:

• Wrist mobility: Stability ball press ups.

• Rotator cuff stability/mobility (at GH joint): t-pushups

• Thoracic mobility- Lunge with rotation, spiderman stretch

• Flexibility: lateral walks lengthen adductors.

• Deceleration: reverse lunge with rotation.

• Breathing, Mind Body: Body Awareness, Mental preparation for workout.

• All levels of fitness and age.

• Helps identify over trained areas before loading. (Might need to foam roll again, unload or more rest) use discretion.

Olympic lifts and power lifts are fantastic exercises that are worth learning correctly. Snatches, power clean and press, dead lifts, front squats, back squats require specific joint mobility (and stability), flexibility, timing, core strength & stability, body awareness and proper technique to reap the benefits.

To maximize your potential and prevent injuries I also recommend doing a movement screen by a fitness professional to identify musculoskeletal asymmetry. Past injuries, current lifestyle (sedentary or active) and goals are also very important in developing a progressive, challenging, result driven training program. With this being said, I also suggest getting guidance from an experienced lifter rather than only watching a video. Having someone watch your form and properly correct it is priceless.

C.W.U for barbell clean, front squat and press, back squat, dead lift*:

Equipment- Stability Ball -Choose a medium size ball.

Note, for a dead lift (hip dominant) workout do not perform the stability ball pikes instead do bicycle crunches.Increase challenge by working in socks, however orthotics users should not take their sneakers off.

2 circuit sets, Repetitions see below, Frequency: 3x/week, 4-6 Weeks

Stability ball pikes: Start with ball in front of you, rollover stability ball until your feet are on the apex of the ball. Hands slightly wider than shoulder width, neutral neck, do not allow hips to fall, shoulder blades in back pocket, core engaged. This is your starting position, legs are fully lengthened and arms have slight elbow bend.

Inhale and pull ball inwards with your abdominals simultaneously driving hips upward. Your head will be between your arms at the peak and chest facing stability ball. Exhale and return to starting position. Reps 8

*Stability ball bicycle crunch (for dead lift workout only): Sit on apex of stability ball with feet shoulder width apart on the floor. Walk your feet out as you roll yourself down until the lower part of your back is on the ball. Now place your right hand on the floor and left hand behind left ear. Right foot remains on the floor with a 90 degree knee bend. Raise left leg off the floor and keep it parallel. Simultaneously, lift your right shoulder/upper back & right elbow and bring your left knee back to make contact with your right elbow above your abdominals. Reps 16 each side

Stability ball press ups: Kneel in front of ball, with hands pointing forward and wider than shoulder width, elbows outwards. Brace your core and step back one leg at a time, feet may be hip to shoulder width apart. Inhale and slowly lower chest, while keeping a straight back. Focus on shoulder blade retraction (pinching mid traps), exhale as you press up. Reps 8

Walking quadriceps stretch and with opposite overhead reach. Right hand grabs right ankle, bring to glutes on to ball of left foot and reach overhead with left arm (arm aligned or behind ear-finger tips reach for ceiling). Release foot and step forward. Repeat on other side. Reps 4x each side.

Reverse knee tucks. Grab left shin with both hands and tuck knee to chest (stretches left low back and hips). Release and step back, repeat knee tuck on other side. Repeat 4x each side.

Lateral squat with 180 degrees rotation: Side step to left, left knee should be stacked/aligned with foot, hip and shoulder. Left knee should track with foot, weight on left heel, drive hips back, straighten right leg and you should feel a stretch in your inner right thigh. Hold for 2 seconds. Pivot on left heel 180 degrees and side step with right leg. Repeat steps above. Reps 4x.

T-pushups: Set up for a normal pushup. Shoulder blades in back pocket, core engaged, feet hip with apart, neutral neck. Focus on pinching shoulder blades (mid traps) as you descend. Return to starting position, turn hips to left side simultaneously allow your feet to fall to the side (do not stack feet). Hips should not drop (similar to a side plank), right arm turns with body and is perpendicular to the floor, fingertips reach for ceiling. Do not allow the arm to fall back, align with body. Return to starting position, pushup and repeat on the other side. Reps 4x

Spiderman stretch: Start with a straight arm plank position. Feet hip width apart, hands slightly wider than shoulders, bring right leg next to right hand, plant right foot. Loop right arm behind right calf/leg and hold for 3 seconds. Unhook right arm from leg and twist torso till chest and head face right wall, right hand reaches for ceiling. Hold for 3 seconds. Bring right hand back to starting position and repeat other side. Reps 4x.

Lunge with rotation, reverse lunge with rotation: Stand with a front squat grip hand position (not clean grip). Fingers on front of shoulders, elbows lined up with shoulders. Shoulders in back pocket. Step forward with right leg into a split squat, land on right heel and keep weight on right heel, both knees at 90 degrees, shoulders above hips. Rotate elbows to right side, your head must stay centered. Rotate back to center, drive thru right heel to move forward. Repeat on left side. Reps 4x

Standing horizontal chops with thumbs externally rotated, diagonal chops: Stand tall, arms extended together in front of you at chest height, palms facing up. Keep arms horizontal as you mimic a standing cable mid trap pull apart, keep palms facing up.

Diagonal chops, same starting position but with palms pressed together. Separate palms diagonally in front of you, right palm faces up and left palm faces down. Diagonally lift right arm till aligned with ear and diagonally bring downward left arm till aligned with hip. Reps 8x, Repeat on other side with reverse palm position.

To view video of C.W.U. Series click http://youtu.be/hRPtzH1vB84/youtube

or visit http://fitnessfoundry.net/

After a few weeks, you can introduce new movement pattern e.g. curtsies, spiderwalks. Add instability to a squat progression by performing it on the flat side of a bosu. A new multi-joint corrective exercise e.g. half kneeling 1 arm ball dribble. Mini band hops etc... Again, it's progressive, time efficient and geared for injury prevention.

Many people can come up with reasons for not warming up before their workout e.g. time restriction. There are also many debates on whether to stretch before or after a workout, efficiency of foam rolling and even question the importance of warming up itself. I personally resigned from the debating society and rather focus on what yields the best results.

Your time is very valuable and learning how to maximize your training session is a great investment. What you do will carry over to your day to day activities and allow you continue train like an athlete.

Be well and stay ACTIVE!!

Julio A. Salado, NSCA C.P.T.
Fitness Foundry designed for healthy living.©
Kettle Bell & TRX Instructor
USAW Level 1 Coach
Assess, Initiate, Motivate

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