Sunday, 5 February 2012

Compression Clothing: How It Enhances Performance

The first time you saw some compression clothing, you might have assumed it was some kind of fad. Why was everyone wearing skin tight cycling shorts all of a sudden?

However, this type of sportswear has become so popular not because of what it looks like, but because of what it can help the athlete achieve. (I use the word 'athlete' in a general sense, meaning any professional or amateur sportsperson who takes their sport seriously).

This article will look at some of those benefits.

The first way that it can help your performance we can call fast food for your circulation. Imagine a fast food outlet that only stocked super nutritious food and drink. Now imagine that it can be delivered to your office whenever you needed it. The net result is that you work better and you can concentrate more productively.

What is all this got to do with your sports performance? In the above scenario, the restaurant food is the nutrients your muscle needs to exercise, the delivery service is your blood and the office is your muscles. The work you do is of course how well you perform in your chosen sport.

Compression gear has been specifically designed in such a way as to promote your blood circulation.

Another major benefit of that this type of clothing that helps increase your performance is its ability to keep your core body temperature from going too high. "Ah!" I hear you say - "It's breathable fabric." And the answer to that is... not exactly. The fact is that many lower quality fabrics are called breathable, giving the impression that they help keep you cool. This is true - up to a point.

The truth is that compression clothing goes a step further. Whereas your perspiration will tend to just stick to your skin and pool in your pores when you're wearing bog standard breathable fabric, specialist clothing actively carries the sweat away from your skin.

They go to saying that not overheating means ultimately faster times and more success under greater physical duress.

Performance enhancer number three is to do with muscle oscillation, more commonly known as body shake.

What is this? Every time the human body moves, it creates tiny tears in muscular tissue. No problem so far - however, if your body is experiencing a build-up of lactic acid, you're going to feel some degree of pain in this situation.

Compression sportswear reduces muscle oscillation, thereby helping you run or cycle or move in any way you choose... faster!

These are just three ways that this type of clothing enhances your sports performance.

Harriet Morris is a keen amateur sports enthusiast. To see some compression clothing for women visit Bourne Sports

View the original article here

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